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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Minecraft DEC item/block values

In minecraft multiplayer, if you are an op[erator] you can use the /give command to give yourself or other players any type of item or block. To use this, enter a multiplayer room, press 't' to open the chatbox, and type /give <player> <DEC ID> <amount> for example, if you type '/give pigman 1 64', then pigman will get 64 smoothstone blocks. While it is not recommended to use this to get items, as it will ruin the game, you can use it to get blocks that you can use to build larger projects such as a bridge or a statue:

Click "read more" to get the full list of the data values.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Bridges and Arches

A great way to add a little flair to your multiplayer server, or even your own personal world, is to add lots of arches and bridges. Since the world of minecraft is full of blocks, a curve can be a refreshing change:

Here is a design for a nice and simple bridge:

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


When designing the interior of your house, it is important to consider looks as well as function. a great way to make your house inviting and realistic is to add paintings. It took me about five minutes to collect the wool and sticks needed to make a painting. I then used a workbench to put it together. After putting the picture on my wall and removing it repeatedly, each time generating a random result, I came up with the following:
As you can see, a painting is a great addition to any room